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blog-Technology’s Impact on 2020 Recruitment Trends
Technology’s Impact on 2020 Recruitment Trends
Technology’s Impact on 2020 Recruitment Trends innoadmin

Technologies and their applicability are soaring in a very rapid pace and there have been lots of fields where these have profound scope. Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Robotic Process Automation, Machine Learning- you name it, you need it- irrespective of the field you contemplate!

Hiring process, campus placements, recruitment drives etc. are an organization’s most time consuming and strenuous tasks. There hasn’t been much of technologies’ effect on it until recently when companies started incorporating recruitment automation tools to make the recruitment process easy in today’s dynamic market condition.

So what are the recruitment trends of 2020 and approaching years that recruiters would resort to? Let us have a look…

1. Hiring Process Automation

Companies are switching from conventional methods of recruitment to automation tools in recruitment for making the hiring process workably more proficient. Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and Recruitment Marketing Software (RMS) are some of the latest technology that streamlines and converts the hiring process faster and shrewder. ATS assists with the electronic handling of recruitment and hiring needs, whereas RMS assists the HR panel is recruiting the best of talents available among a cluster of candidates.

2. Data Analytics in HR & Hiring

HR analytics help the incumbents in the HR desk to gather and analyze the reports of the prospective candidates for comprehending the lifestyle and views of the candidate to ascertain whether or not a particular candidate can be absorbed into their organization as potential employees. Data are acquired through Hiring Funnels and earlier mentioned methodologies like ATS and RMS. These tools help in ideally minimalizing Turn Around Time (TAT) of recruitment process.

3. Social Media Reference

Recruiters believe and is spending sizeable amount of time in critically studying candidates through their social media accounts. Job Ads are largely broadcasted in social media platforms these days that has proven to be more profile-raising. It is obvious that your social media posts and walls speak volumes than your CV or resume. HR teams are brilliantly executing their plans, aren’t they?!

4. Recruitment Marketing

Why has the situation so changed that equal importance is given for employees as well as employer? Recruitment Marketing has taken such a dramatic turn that a bad review about a company can create a very bad reputation among the job seekers and lots of hassles among the public- all credits goes to the power of social media and internet.

Situations has necessitated the companies to keep a keen watch on  internet podiums like career pages, social media, company review platforms, professional networking sites etc. where a lot of stuffs can be spoken of about companies’ on various rudiments.  Therefore, it has become companies’ stipulation too to resonate values of their employees. This will ultimately benefit the company in building a clean image in public.

5. Comprehensive Hiring Journey

A company who makes the candidate feel ‘wanted’ and ‘valued’ will have dedication from their side in return. The process of recruitment is laborious for both the parties, but to create an uplifted face among the prospective job seekers, companies have started offering comprehensive hiring journey, as a token of gratitude for the effort the candidates have taken in attending the recruitment procedures. More companies are switching to this new trend as it has so far proved to create a better image for them among wide groups.


The HR trends have shown this ‘positive nod’ towards technology not so long ago. The singularities technology can do in the HR field were unleashed and strongly recognized. Year 2020 will mark newer technological HR trends emerging in the HR field, which will only ascend in the years to come.

In the meanwhile, employers are anticipated to be more adaptive in nature to new technologies for adding on to the organizational efficiency. In a world of ‘survival of the fittest’, candidates have to update and polish their technical skills to stand out from others. Meanwhile, what it is also expected is that employees and employers exhibit transparency in their communication and develop reverence for each other!

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