Artificial Intelligence is a kind of “deep learning” which facilitates the machines to process information for their own use in an extremely sophisticated way, thus enabling them to execute complicated functions such as facial recognition. AI basically encompasses working of machines just in a way how humans do. So, devices fitted with AI carry out tasks such as planning, problem-solving, speech recognition etc. Artificial intelligence is slowly becoming a part of our daily life through the technology and services we use on a daily basis. Artificial intelligence provides machines the ability to think analytically by using the concepts and advancements in robotics, computer science and mathematics. The Intelligent robots developed with the latest technological advancements will not only help you in cleaning your house and prepare dishes for you; it will have the ability to tackle jobs like taking care of your kids and pets or arranging your living room. Big data have started to speed up the AI development process which will facilitate more integration of AI technology in our daily lives.
We’ve already seen the beginning of self-driving cars. These vehicles currently need a driver inside for safety. Things will definitely change, the technology isn’t perfect yet. It will take a while for automated cars to attain public acceptance for widespread use. Using big data, AI will be able to identify trends in climate change and use that information to come up with solutions for the issues related to climate change. Robots have already started to take over some of the most hazardous jobs available, including bomb defusing. People working in the finance sector needs to derive insights from their data. AI can help them streamline operations, improve product offerings and enhance customer experiences. Eldercare is a growing concern for many families around the globe. Elderly people who are not able to care for themselves will be assisted by in-home robots. This solution will definitely offer family members more flexibility in managing a loved one’s care.